Estiquettes & Taboos (禮節與禁忌)

 image    ⨀ United States,美國 

1. Gift giving is discouraged or limited in this country. People from this country would appreciate a generous written note more than an expensive gift.

2. Tip 15% of the bill, based on the service you received. Normally 15-25% is the custom. 20%  is considered to be a "good tip'.

3. If you received bad service, you must inform the manager. Don't tip for poor service, and leave a note to the server as to why there is no tip added to the bill.

⇒ 美國送禮物通常並不被鼓勵或被禁止,美國人通常比較接受來自心意上的禮物 (小卡片) ,並非貴重禮物。

⇒ 美國帳單來算的話,通常是 15% 比例的總額當作小費,但通常取決於你感受到的服務品質,而提供 15% ~ 25% 的範圍,總消費的平均值 20% 通常就被認為是最佳的小費比例。

⇒ 如果遇到不好的服務品質,就要告知該服務業的經理,或者留下字條給櫃檯,內容說明為什麼不給小費,不要為不好的服務品質付費


image    ⨀ German,德國

1. They do not like surprises. Sudden changes in business transactions are unwelcome even if they may improve the sales.

1.  德國人不喜歡驚喜,以商業行為來說突發性的商業交易變更都是不受歡迎的,即使這是改善方案或改善銷售也一樣。


image    ⨀ France,法國

1. They have a great appreciation for the art of conversation.

2. Arrive on time at appointment.  If you arrive late, phone your hosts ahead of time.

3. Dress well.  The french are fashion conscious, and their version of casual is not as relaxed as in many western countries.

4. If invited to a large dinner party, expecially in Paris, send flowers in the morning of the party so that they may be displayed in the evening.

⇒ 法國人非常崇尚說話的藝術美感 。

⇒ 準時赴約是基本,如果確定會遲到,盡早知會主人。

⇒ 法國人很有時尚意識,他們的輕鬆穿著和其他西方國家有明顯不同的程度。



image    ⨀ Mexico,墨西哥

1. When purchasing in this country, place money in the cashier's hand instead of on the counter.

⇒ 在墨西哥消費,要將錢放在收銀員的手中,而不是放在櫃檯上。


image    ⨀ South Africa,南非

1. Present gift with right hand or both hands.

2. Do not rush deals.

⇒ 遞上禮物時,請用 右手 或者 雙手。



image    ⨀ Indian,印度

1. Shorts are only for exercise

2. Avoid saying " no"

⇒ 短褲只能在運動時穿著。

⇒ 避免說 "No"。


image    ⨀ China,中國

1. Wait for your clients for handshaking.

2. Do not finish your food.

⇒ 靜心等待客戶主動伸手出來握手。

⇒ 不要把桌上食物吃光光。


image    ⨀ Russia,俄國

1. Do not keep your hands in pockets.  Do not Slouch

2. Be patient and wait for your clients.

3. Do not walk around smiling at everyone, it considered rude.

4. Everyone may feel Russians are rude and unfriendly since it is hard to find them smiling or showing their enthusiasm when they meet foreigners. However, we have to understand the torturous political machinations that Russians have gone through.

5. The truth is Russians are exceedingly friendly, if they like you, they will treat you like a family member. You will surprised how generous and warm Russians can be.

6. Put on your best face.

⇒ 雙手不要插在口袋中,這被認為是很草率的行為,商務人士最好把手放在可以被看到的地方。行為上也不能懶散,會被認為是魯蛇。

⇒ 耐心等候俄羅斯的客戶。

⇒ 逛街時,不要一直對俄羅斯人充滿笑臉,這會被認為是無禮。

⇒ 多數人會覺得俄羅斯人很無理或是個不友善的民族,甚至跟外國人見面時,都很難從俄羅斯人臉上看的到笑臉或者熱情。我們必須知道俄羅斯人曾經歷過非常黑暗的政治陰謀時期。

⇒ 事實上,俄羅斯人非常地友善,如果他們喜歡你,就會視你為家族成員一樣。

⇒ 在社交場合時,你會看到俄羅斯人一定會保持外觀上的整齊與完美,總會顯示他們最好的一面。

⇒ 在俄羅斯不能比 "OK" 手勢,這是沒有禮貌的意思。雖然這不是很嚴重的行為,但會造成對方無法理解你想表達的意思。

⇒ 和俄國人聊天時,彼此不要離太遠。俄國人的談話聊天距離通常比西方國家的人還要更近些。


image    Brazil,巴西 

1. Do not wear anything with the combination of yellow and green.

2. Make appointments earlier. Flexible punctuality (on time) is also one of the characteristics in Brazil. Do not get mad at your friends when they are not on time and have yourself a nice cup of cafezinho while waiting.  ( 3~4 hrs late is a normal situation)

3. Okay Sign is Not Okay for Brazilians. Okay signs is considered rude, unless you really want to make somebody angry.

4. Brazilian usually greet to others by handshakes and eye contact, close friends will often hug ; Women greet each other by kissing on the faces.

衣服顏色: 在巴西不要穿 黃色 和 綠色 混色的衣服。

設定較早碰面的時間: 巴西的 "準時" 也是他們其中之一的特色,如果你的巴西朋友遲到個 3 ~ 4 小時是很正常的,不要對他們生氣,等待的時候輕鬆慢慢地喝杯咖啡等你的巴西好友吧。

手勢: 不要對巴西人比出 OK 手勢,這在當地非常無禮,除非你想腦惹你的朋友。

見面: 巴西人跟朋友碰面,一般好友大多握手和眼神接觸;親密朋友通常會擁抱;女生們碰面會親對方臉頰。


image    Australia,澳洲

1. Their personality is generosity, openness and friendlinrss.

2. Australian treasure their relationships and lovalty to their "mates" and family members.

3. Australian tend to be more self-centered because individualism is valued by its culture.

4. Their first concern is usually their nuclear families and themselves.

5. Australian called themselves as "oz" in a direct and open manner.

⇒ 澳洲人的個性是慷慨,開放和友善。

⇒ 澳洲人非常珍惜社群關係,並會稱呼為 Mate (夥伴) 和 Family (家庭成員)。

⇒ 澳洲人比較傾向於 自我 為中心,主要是受到其個人主義文化影響。

⇒ 家庭核心成員 和 自己 在所有關係中醫定是排名第一順位的。

⇒ 你可以直接用 "oz" 發音稱呼他們。


image    ⨀ Thailand,泰國    

1. Thais are faomus for their smiles, it represents to say "Hello", "Thank you" and "Apologize". So smile as much as you can !!

2. Don't touch anyone's head for any reason

3. Never pat a Thai on the head even in the friendliest of circumstances.

4. Thais believe that the head is the most scared part of the body ; The foot is considered the lowest and dirtiest part of body.

⇒ 笑容 是泰國人的招牌,也代表著 " 哈摟 "," 謝謝你 "," 抱歉 " 的意思。

⇒ 不管任何理由,不要碰觸泰國人的頭頂。

⇒ 絕對不要拍打泰國人的頭頂,及時你們的關係很好。

⇒ 泰國人相信,頭頂是他們最害怕的部位;腳則被認為身體中地位最低最髒的。


image    ⨀ Italy,義大利

1. It's very hot in city in Augest, so that Italizian almost move to beaches and mountain areas. The room is extremely difficult to book during this season.

2. About price in Augest, it slightly lower compared to May, June and July in big cities.

3. Buy airline ticket before 10 months of your departure is more better.

⇒ 每年 8 月份是義大利最熱的時候,所以當地人幾乎都跑到海灘或山區,這個時期的房間預定將是非常困難。

⇒ 每年 5. 6. 7 月是旺季,物價也最貴, 8 月份則其次。

⇒ 10 個月前就買好前往義大利的機票是最好的時機點。


image    ⨀ Dubai,杜拜 

1. Dubai is influenced by the Arab culture and religion. Therefore, the country has strict regulations about the ways people dress.

2. Keep in mind that it is not appropiate for men to walk on the streets bare-chested.

3. Women should also avoid short skirts, low-cut tops and bare arms.

⇒ 杜拜是個受 阿拉伯文化 和 信仰 影響很深的國家,所以也有著很嚴謹的 衣著限制。

⇒ 在杜拜,男性在街上裸上半身是很不恰當的。

⇒ 在杜拜,女生要避免穿短裙,低胸,露背的衣服。


image    ⨀ British,英國

1. Fish and Chips is the traditional take-away food in the UK.

2. There are about 8,500 fish and chip shops across the country making British Fish and Chips the nation's favorite take-away food. 

⇒ 小吃: 魚和薯條 是英國傳統的外帶食物。

⇒ 英國大概有 8500 間 魚和薯條店面充斥在各個都市與鄉下。


image    ⨀ Sweden,瑞典

1. Restaurants, hotel lobbies and airports are generally quiet, it is considered polite not to laugh or talk really loud in restaurants.

2. Noise from kids is often more easily tolerated than from adults.

⇒ 瑞典的餐廳、飯店大廳、機場 總是非常安靜,基本上在餐廳保持安靜,不笑 或 講話是基本禮貌。

⇒ 瑞典小屁孩們製造的噪音通常是會被大人接受的。


image    ⨀ Egypt,埃及

1. Tipping is a way of life in Egypt.

2. Do not offer tips to professionals.

3. Don't give small notes or coins as a tip to people who helped you all the way throughout your trip. (e.g. Drivers, Tour Guides). It would be an insult to them.

⇒ 在埃及給小費是一種生活方式。

⇒ 在埃及,專業性的工作是不能給小費的。

⇒ 整天服務性質的工作 (司機,導遊....等) 給小費時,不能只給小鈔或零錢,這對他們而言是種汙辱。






1. GJUN Inc., Traviling English Book.

2. Russian Body Language Etiquette Guide

3. Hand Gestures in the World With More Than One Meaning



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